Arizona State Archives
Historical and Genealogical Resources

Arizona Confidential Intermediary Program
The Confidential Intermediary Program certifies and monitors Confidential Intermediaries (CIs) through the Certification and Licensing Division of the Arizona Supreme Court.  CIs provide a service to help facilitate contact between parties of an adoption (Adoption triad members) or siblings separated as a result of a dependency action (SIX).

Arizona State University Libraries Databases
A few databases of interest in searches

Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates
Fortunate are those whose ancestors were born or died in Arizona. Not only can you search here for birth records (1855 to 1933) and death records (1844 to 1958), but once you've found your family members, a single click brings up a PDF of the original document. sources Subscription required
Arizona Marriage Collection, 1864-1982

Arizona Vital Records
Official Arizona Page

Arizona GenWeb
Historical and genealogical information organized by county





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