Adoption Reunion Organizations

Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)
CUB is a national organization serving those touched by adoption and others who are concerned about  adoption issues. Although  our focus is on birthparents, long the forgotten people of  the adoption community,  we welcome adoptees, adoptive parents, and professionals. We find that we all have much to learn from each other and that sharing our feelings and experiences benefits all of us.

American Adoption Congress (AAC)
The American Adoption Congress comprises individuals, families and organizations committed to adoption reform. We represent those whose lives are touched by adoption or other loss of family continuity.
Adoption  and Reunion Resources including a very large registry. Includes state regulation guidelines

The Alma Society
The ALMA Society is a NON-PROFIT, tax-exempt corporation funded entirely by registration fees and donations. There is a $50 one time fee for joining. They have chapters throughout the United States and a large registry

Adoption Triad Outreach
Features a free reunion registry, chat rooms, discussion boards, bookstore, online newsletter, virtual postcards, and a links library.

Bastard Nation
Bastard Nation: Dignity and Equal Rights for Adult Adoptees (Adoption Reform) The name may be offensive to some but this very aggressive group has good information

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